ASP Database support
• Introduction
• Checking objects
• Copying databases
• Creating databases
• Database connections
• Database browser
Putting a database-driven website on CD
Creating an updatable database from scratch.
The ADOX component can be used to create a database from scratch unless the
target machine is running a version of ADODB earlier than 2.5 (typically Windows 98SE).
In that case, you will have to run an SQL command using an ODBC connection string.
To create a database from scratch,
- check the database doesn't exist already
- if it exists, either delete or exit
- create an ADOX Catalog
- open the Catalog
- create an ADOX Table
- specify the properties of the table
- append the table
- create and append other database elements
<!-- include support functions -->
<!-- #INCLUDE FILE="adodbfns.asp" -->
<!-- #INCLUDE FILE="" -->
CONST connString = _
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + dbPath
FUNCTION createDB( destFile, oWriteIfDestExists)
on error goto 0
createDB = FALSE
' if this fails, the function exits immediately
Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' does the destination file exist already?
debugMsg( "Checking existence of " + destFile)
IF fso.FileExists( destFile) THEN
debugMsg( "File " + destFile + " exists already")
' if exists - decide what to do
IF oWriteIfDestExists THEN
fso.DeleteFile( destFile)
debugMsg( "Deleted file " + destFile)
SET fso = nothing
' if this fails, the function exits immediately
Set catNew = Server.CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
catNew.Create connString + destFile
debugMsg( "Created new database")
catNew.ActiveConnection = connString + destFile
debugMsg( "Opened the database")
' add a table
set tbl = Server.CreateObject( "ADOX.Table")
debugMsg( "Created new table")
tbl.Name = "MyTable"
tbl.Columns.Append "CustomerID", adVarWChar, 50
tbl.Columns.Append "ItemID", adInteger
tbl.Columns.Append "Quantity", adInteger
catNew.Tables.Append tbl
' is appending tables supported?
Call ErrCheck( "Couldn't append table", TRUE)
debugMsg( "Appended the table")
' clean up
Set tbl = nothing
Set catNew = nothing
createDB = TRUE
' -------------------------
dontDebug = FALSE
destFile = Request.ServerVariables( "WINDOWS_TEMP_DIR") &_
rval = createDB( destFile, TRUE)
Response.Write "<BR>CreateDB " &_
IIF( rval, "succeeded", "failed")
If this process fails, you can also create a database using the ODBC provider
connection string :
' older versions of ADOX fail to append tables
' - try a different approach
debugMsg( "append failed - trying SQL")
SET con = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection")
debugMsg( "adodb version = " + cstr( con.version))
connString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ="
con.Open connString + dbPath
mySQL = "CREATE TABLE MyTable (" &_
"CustomerID TEXT (50)," &_
"ItemID INTEGER," &_
"Quantity INTEGER);"
con.Execute( mySQL)
debugMsg( "appended the table")
SET con=nothing
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PHD Computer Consultants Ltd