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Professional Customisation

The Professional Subscription Licence permits the customisation of Dynamic-CD and Dynamic-CD.Net.

The Advanced Options / Professional tab of Dynamic-CD-Wizard provides an option to turn off the initial "Dynamic-CD is starting up" splash dialog and an option to remove the Dynamic-CD icon from the taskbar.

If you remove the taskbar icon, you will need to provide other ways for the user to terminate Dynamic-CD. Other Dynamic-CD-Wizard options allow you to terminate Dynamic-CD when the CD is removed, or you can call the ASP method  Server.StopServer  in a script.

Features not yet integrated into the Dynamic-CD-Wizard
Certain Professional Subscription Licence features that are not yet integrated into Dynamic-CD-Wizard.

If you would prefer a different name for the runtime files, you can rename the image file "dyncd.exe" to some other name - eg. "myRuntime.exe" - so long as the file "dyncd.ini" is renamed to "myRuntime.ini" and the the file "dyncdlic.ini" is also renamed to "myRuntimelic.ini". These files must be renamed in the image directory only, after being generated by the Wizard. If the Wizard is subsequently run again, you will need to rename these files again.

You would typically change the AutoPlay AUTORUN.INF file to refer to your renamed "dyncd.exe" file. The "dyncd" directory can also be renamed if you wish.

For Dynamic-CD.Net, you can also rename the image file "DyncdNet.exe". To ensure this is recognised you must change AUTORUN.INF file so that the renamed "Dyncd.exe" file has the new "DyncdNet.exe" filename as its first parameter, eg:
open=myRuntime\myRuntime.exe myRuntimeNet.exe

Additional custom files
To customise the user interface, create a directory called "dyncd" in the root of your source directory and add the following two files to that directory. This process ensures that the Wizard will copy these additional files to the "dyncd" subdirectory of your image directory. These files can be renamed as described above.

  • dyncd.ico - an icon file to be shown in place of the standard Dynamic-CD icon
  • dyncdpro.ini - a configuration file with the following format, without running values over more than one line:
trayIconText="PHD Dynamic-CD Server"
dialogTitle="PHD Dynamic-CD Server"

menuOrder = "SOZHA"
menuAboutItemText = "About"
  "Copyright © 2000-2016 PHDCC Ltd.\n\n
  For support, please contact\n
  [email protected]"

menuHelpFileName = "moreHelp.htm"
menuHelpItemText = "Help"
menuStopItemText = "Stop Dynamic-CD"
menuHomeItemText = "Home"

menuConnectItemText = "www.phdcc.com"
menuConnectItemURL = "http://www.phdcc.com"

menuAlreadyRunningText = "AUTO"
menuAlreadyRunningText = 
  "is already running.\n\n\
  Click on the CD icon at the bottom right of your screen\n\
  and select "Home" to show the home page."

badPwdFile = "phdbadpw.asp"
noNetFile = "phdNoNet.asp"
unknownFile = "phdunk.asp"

For Dynamic-CD.Net, the dyncdpro.ini can be in UTF-8 format provided it starts with the UTF8 marker bytes.

  • trayIconText is the popup text for the tray icon.
  • dialogTitle is used in all dialogs (other than debug dialogs) that the user would see.
  • menuOrder determines the order in which the menu items appear. The characters correspond as follows :
    • S - Stop
    • O - Home
    • H - Help
    • A - About
    • U - Connect URL
    • Z - Separator
    "SOZHA" is the default order.
  • menuAboutItemText and menuHelpItemText are the menu items that appear when the tray icon is clicked. If either of these items are missing or of zero length, the corresponding menu item is suppressed.
  • menuAbout is the "About" text. New lines can be included in your text by inserting  \n . The text should be written in a single line, NOT spread over many lines as shown above.
  • noAboutInfo determines whether the additional information "Version", "Realm" and "port" is shown.
  • menuHelpFileName is the name of the file that will be shown when the user selects the Help menu item. This file defaults to "moreHelp.htm", must be located in the dyncd directory, and can be customised to your needs. The file is displayed in a new window.
  • menuHelpItemText is the text of the Help menu item.
  • menuStopItemText is the text of the menu Stop item allowing the user to stop Dynamic-CD.
  • menuHomeItemText is the text of the menu Home item allowing the user to navigate to the startup page.
  • menuConnectItemText is the text of a menu item allowing the user to navigate to a specified URL. This is typically used to take the user to your web site.
  • menuConnectItemURL is URL to which the user is taken when they select the menu item menuConnectItemText.
  • menuAlreadyRunningText is the text shown if a user tries to start Dynamic-CD more than once. The text is appended to the name ("dialogTitle") of the server. If the value is set to "AUTO" then Dynamic-CD automatically navigates to the HOME page. New lines can be included in your text by inserting  \n . The text should be written in a single line, NOT spread over many lines as shown above.
  • The support files badPwdFile, noNetFile, and unknownFile can be renamed by changing these values. These files can be customised to your needs.

If you need more specific changes or customisations, we can probably arrange them for you.

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