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ASP Documentation
• Introduction
• Getting started
• Dynamic-CD wizard
Passwords & Encryption
• Overview
• Example 1
• Example 2
• The script language
• Script examples
• Database scripts
Technical details
• Applications
• Built-in objects
• Character Encoding
• Cookies
• Database CDs
• Development tips
• FAQs
• Future developments
• Global.asa
• Network support
• Object registration
• Resources
• ScriptingContext
• Server-side includes
• Sessions
• Technical limits
Technical Limitations

  • The Cookie properties Path, and Secure are accepted but have no effect.
  • Cookie names and values are stored as western characters.
  • Support for global.asa and <OBJECT> is different from ASP.
  • The Session.Timeout value is currently ignored and Sessions do not timeout.
  • Support for Response.Redirect in global.asp is not yet implemented.
  • Transaction processing is not currently supported

    Un-Support for @ directives
    The five following @ directives are un-supported by Dynamic-CD :
    • @LCID
    Un-support means that Dynamic-CD ignores these directives and does not generate an error message.

    @ directives should have the form :  <% @ DIRECTIVE = something %> , where the directive is enclosed within ASP delimiters. Microsoft says that such directives should be located at the top of a file, but Dynamic-CD will ignore them wherever they are.

    Collections, such as  Request.Cookies   and  Sessions.Contents   are currently implemented as snapshots of the current collection. This means that bizarre trickery such as ...
    ' scan the Session collection, 
    '   adding and removing elements at the same time!
      for each thing in Session.Contents
        Session( "newVar") = "newVarVal"
        Session.Contents.Remove( 3)
    will not have the same effect as in standard ASP.

    Serving large files
    Unless a large file needs to be password protected, it is best to pass the file directly to the browser rather than having it served by Dynamic-CD. To do this, you need to pass the absolute path of the file in question. This can be accomplished as follows :
      ' get root directory as file:///<DRIVE>|
      path=request.servervariables( "ROOT_DIR_FILE_URL")
      myWaveFile = path +"\myNoise.wav"
    <EMBED src="<%=myWaveFile%>">

    Note - the latest edition of Internet Explorer for Windows XP considers a request from a http URL to a file URL to be a security risk and does not support the above.

    ASP Reserved Words
    The following words are reserved and should not be used in any other context than a call to a method or property of a built-in object :
  • Application
  • ASPError
  • Dyncd
  • ObjectContext
  • Request
  • Response
  • Session
  • Server

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